Library Publications Please click on links below to either download or view publications of interest.Library PoliciesInternet-Policy-2018.pdf (size 57.2 KB)Wi-Fi-policy-2017.pdf (size 64.7 KB)Customer Charter, Code of Conduct and Complaints procedureCollection-Development-Policy-March-2025.pdf (size 207.2 KB)Annual ReportsAnnual Report 2019.pdf (size 1.2 MB)Annual-Report-2020.docx (size 7.3 MB)Annual-Report-2021.docx (size 7.9 MB)Annual-Report-2022.pdf (size 1.3 MB)Cultural Strategy, Arts, Heritage and Libraries, Irish, 2019-2022 .pdf (size 4.9 MB)cultural-strategy-arts-heritage-and-libraries-text-and-appendices-english-2019-2022.pdf (size 12.7 MB)Library BrochuresLibrary Service BrochureLocal Studies' brochure.pdf (size 373.2 KB)Family History Resources.pdf (size 8.2 MB)2020-Online-Resource-guide.pdf (size 5.6 MB)Library Animations/VideosLibrary Animation VideoLibrary Promotional Video 'Using Primary Sources for History Projects' with a focus on events in Kilkenny 1919-1923.Online Sources for the Decade of CentenariesLocal Interest PublicationsKilkenny Carnegie LibraryBridges of KilkennyKilkenny and the Great WarKilkenny Men interned in Ballykinlar, 1920-21The Kilkenny Jail Break 1921Decade of Centenaries in Kilkenny