Minister Heather Humphreys announces funding for Kilkenny Mobile Library Service.
Kilkenny County Council Library Service are delighted to once again participate in the national festival Bealtaine this year, with a wide range of activities and events planned.
Libby and PressReader apps will no longer be available from May 1st.
Mayfair Library is now Open
Please note that Urlingford will open at the later time of 11.30am on Fri 12th April, due to staff training.
City Library will close on Saturday 6th April at 1.30pm to facilitate the move to our new Mayfair Library in Parliament Street.
This Bank Holiday weekend all branch libraries are closed Friday, 29th and Saturday 30th and 31st March respectively. All branches re-open Tuesday, 2nd April, normal hours.
Kilkenny County Council Libraries are gearing up for an exciting programme this April with Spring into Storytime!