“Supported by the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media under the Decade of Centenaries 2012-2023 initiative.”
Author and Historian Eoin Swithin Walsh speaks about civilian fatalities in Kilkenny during the War of Independence
Civilian-Fatalities-in-Kilkenny-during-Irish-War-of-Independence.mp3 (size 26 MB)
'Civilian casualties of any conflict are often the least remembered. Families kept their memory alive, but in general remembrances they sort of fell between two stools. If they had died as combatants of either the IRA or the RIC, their memories would join a roll of honour. But as civilians, they fitted neither profile. After one hundred years it’s good time to remember Kilkenny’s four civilian victims of the War of Independence; Margaret Ryan aged 36 from Bridge Street, Callan, who was expecting her second child, was shot in her home by Auxiliaries during a funeral procession; Thomas Dullard, aged 37, from Walkin Street, Kilkenny, who was shot by Crown Forces on Friary Street on his way to work; James Hoban, aged 23, from Mullinavat, who was shot by soldiers on the Main Street in Mullinavat on a Tuesday morning while helping his uncle to sell pigs; Thomas Phelan, aged 18, of Oldtown, Ballyragget, who was shot by soldiers in a field close to his home. This podcast tells the stories of the four victims and how they met their tragic end.'
Mullinavat R.I.C. Barracks Thomas Dullard's Grave