“Supported by the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media under the Decade of Centenaries 2012-2023 initiative.”
In this podcast, Historian and Author, Eoin Swithin Walsh looks at everyday life in Kilkenny in 1923
'Although the Civil War was ongoing for the first half of 1923, normal life still had to go on Kilkenny. The Kilkenny hurlers gave the people something to celebrate in Sept 1923 when they won the All-Ireland (playing for the 1922 Championship which was delayed because of the Civil War). Watt Dunphy of Mooncoin became the first Kilkenny man to lift the newly created Liam McCarthy Cup. It was Kilkenny’s only All Ireland win between 1913 – 1932. The River Nore claimed at least two lives in 1923, something that sadly was an annual occurrence. James Lambert and Edward Barton were the two tragic victims. A High Court case in Dublin brought unwanted national attention to Mullinavat which involved the death of a toddler. In Castlewarren, a group of teenagers out hunting rabbits had fatal consequences. Mary MacSwiney made a controversial speech on The Parade in front of a large crowd. Also visiting was 'local boy done good', Bishop James Whyte of Dunedin, New Zealand, who was from the city. The dry summer of 1923 led to too much dust around the streets and complaints to the council. While, the Kilkenny Golf Club had something of their own civil war regarding whether their new clubhouse should serve alcohol or not! Find out these stories and more in this podcast. '
Everyday-Life-in-1923.mp3 (size 18.4 MB)
Car advertisement - courtesy Kilkenny People Bishop James Whyte
Mary McSwiney - courtesy National Library of Ireland Watt Dunphy- courtesy Kilkenny People