“Supported by the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media under the Decade of Centenaries 2012-2023 initiative.”
Author and Historian Eoin Swithin Walsh in the second of two podcasts speaks about the Kilkenny Jail Break in In November 1921, the actual escape and the aftermath.
Part-2---Escape-to-Freedom---The-great-Kilkenny-Jailbreak-Nov-1921.mp3 (size 21.7 MB)
"In this second part of the Kilkenny Jailbreak podcast, we follow the prisoners as they move into the escape tunnel. Getting out onto the streets of Kilkenny wasn't the end of the story; they needed to split up and get away as quickly as possible to avoid recapture. Find out where they ended up. In addition, reports of the Kilkenny Jail escape featured in newspapers all around the world; discover the local reaction. This podcast also includes the listing of all 44 prisoners who escaped from the jail on 22 November 1921, along with the story of the ultimate fate of Kilkenny Jail in latter decades. "
Kilkenny People, November 26th 1921 The Demolition of the Old Gaol

Rev. Delahunty in later life Paddy Donoghue and Mattie Power