“Supported by the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media under the Decade of Centenaries 2012-2023 initiative.”
Notes for teachers

The below Presentation was commissioned by Kilkenny County Council Library Service as part of our Decade of Centenaries Programme for 2020
The presentation is called 'Exploring Sources for The Sound of Freedom' and is very much in keeping with the theme of the Decade of Commemorations. It is sourced and presented by author and educator Ann Murtagh
You can download it by clicking link below:
Library-Presentation-for-The-Sound-of-Freedom.pptx (size 77.2 MB)
It is recommended that you forward the slides manually to give yourself more control over the presentation
The Daylight Savings Article is hopefully helpful if questions are asked about ads for aeraíochta which have 'Irish Time' and 'Old Time' in them. You can download this by clicking link below:
Daylight-Saving-Hours-article.pdf (size 759 KB)
The optional activity for Primary and Secondary Sources is explained in the notes:
It would be very useful for the teacher to consult the notes in advance of showing the presentation so they have the curriculum links and are alerted to some of the questions that are asked during the PowerPoint. You can download these by clicking links below:
Notes-for-teachers-and-follow-up-activity.docx (size 208.3 KB)
Optional-activity-PRIMARY-SOURCES.docx (size 1.9 MB)
Optional-activity-SECONDARY-SOURCES.docx (size 5.5 MB)