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Healthy Ireland Information Videos

Healthy Ireland

Videos to promote Heart Health:

  The following videos were shown as part of our Healthy Ireland at Your Library programme for 2024.

These 15 min videos were recorded by Aoife McDonald, registered dietitian from The digestive Health Clinic for Kilkenny Co Council Library Service as part of our Healthy Ireland at your library programme.

Eating to lower cholesterol

This video covers what is heart health and what we can do to improve our overall heart health.

Aoife explains what cholesterol is, what are healthy cholesterol levels and what foods can help promote a healthy lifestyle.

Nutrition for Men’s health

This video covers the following topics

Eating more fibre, what is fibre, why it is so important and what foods can we find it in, reducing salt, sugar and fat in our diet.

Alcohol intake, the limits we should be aiming for and what a unit of alcohol looks like and looking at the consumption of red and processed meats in our diet.

 The following videos were shown as part of our Healthy Ireland at Your Library programme for 2021 and these videos are still available to watch.

 Support for parents and carers of adolescents with HSE Psychologist, Peadar Maxwell

Join Peader Maxwell, Senior Psychologist with HSE for a talk for parents and carers of adolescents. Peadar will discuss the importance of staying connected to your teenagers, building trust and setting boundaries. This is part of our Healthy Ireland at Your Library Series

 Coping with grief and  loss with Breffini McGuinness of the Irish Hospice Foundation

In this insightful talk, Breffini McGuiness answers some important questions, what is grief, how do you navigate the personal journey of grief and how can you support those who are grieving. The pandemic has heightened the challenges of loss and grief as at times we have not been able to support our loved ones as we once could.

 Support for parents & carers of young children with HSE Psychologist, Peadar Maxwell

Senior Psychologist with the HSE, Peadar Maxwell discusses some important issues for parents including screen-time, teaching children independence, dealing with emotions and the importance of sleep.

 Tips for successful homeworking with OT Owen Joyce

Owen Joyce a registered Occupational Therapist delivers a talk on “Tips for successful home working” including tips on routine, physical and mental health and ergonomics. Owen is a consultant Occupational Therapist with Original Therapies who specialise in improving their client’s quality of life through assessment, collaboration and practical advice.

 Raising resilient children with Dr Mary O’Kane

Dr. Mary O’Kane delivers a talk  on “Raising Resilient Children”. Dr O’Kane is a lecturer in Lecturer in Psychology and Early Childhood Education teaching with the Open University. In this talk she will outline 3 practical steps that parents and educators can take to help children become more resilient in dealing with life’s challenges.

Videos on Dementia.

These Brain Health Webinars are developed in partnership with Dementia Ireland. Healthy Ireland at your library collaborates closely with this campaign and the first interview with Sean O’Dowd, consultant neurologist and Clinical lead at the National Dementia Services, Sean talks about how extraordinary the brain is and how best to maintain optimal brain health. 

In the second interview Matthew Gibb, Director of the Dementia Services, Information and Development Centre in St James’s Hospital, he talks about dementia, what it is and how we can recognise it and support those affected by it.