Your local library provides a wide range of resources and activities.
Schools can access all of the services for primary schools through the larger branches or the central library. Schools can also access some services through smaller part-time branches.

Class visits to your library branch
Your partner library branch will welcome class visits from your school to the library, arranged locally in advance.
You can check your partner library below:
Partner-schools-pdf.pdf (size 116.8 KB)
Class readers
A selection of class readers is available on request. Please contact your local branch for the brochure and more information. Please note this is on a first-come first served basis and readers can be requested.
A teacher’s card is available for every teacher in the school to enable them to borrow items for their class.
Other services
- A presentation(s) on the library services may be available on request.
- Your local library service can provide a presentation on the library services on request and at a time agreed with the school principal, as part of in-service training, or at your school to teachers, pupils or parents.
- A range of relevant library resources and services provided to your school
- The services available to your school include the provision of:
- Reading and curriculum support materials
- Online learning resources
- Resource and reference support for school projects in response to teacher requests
- Reading spaces in branches and access to electronic resources.
- Reference and research guidance - your library branch can provide reference resources and research assistance to pupils and teachers for school project work.
- Resources for parents- branches offer parents a range of library resources and activities to support their children’s literacy and numeracy skills development.
- Library programmes and initiatives - local branches throughout the year to support the continuing development of children’s literacy and numeracy skills.
Local History
The local studies department of your library service can provide access to a wide range of historical material about your local area, including maps, photographs, documents and information.
Printing services
Wi -fi, printing and photocopying services are available to all students in branches. Age restrictions apply for children around access to public computers. Contact your local library for more information